Ai outputs or content history

All content is automatically saved to your AI outputs, including any generations inside of a document.

In addition to your inbox, you have tabs for your favorite, flagged, and trash messages. 1. The Favorites folder contains any content that you have starred. This content will also be available in the general AI outputs folder. 2. The Flagged folder contains any content that you want to send back to the dev team for further review. 3. The Trash folder contains any content that you have deleted. This content will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

![[Pasted image 20221005201537.png]] Next up:[[2. Areas Personal/Technology and applied sciences/Computing/Computer science/Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Jasper/Bootcamp/The Basics/Projects]]

Last update: November 18, 2023
Created: October 12, 2023