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Projects can be used to organize work by creating new projects for anything desired. Many users create new projects for each client or separate folders for blog posts, ads, etc. All users inside an account have access to all projects in that account.

![[Pasted image 20221005201659.png]]

Create a new project:

  • Click on the PROJECT dropdown in the bottom left of the dashboard
  • Click the + icon at the top.
  • Name the project
  • Save

If you accidentally create content in the wrong project, you can always move it to another project.

Move content to a different project

  • Navigate to Documents or AI outputs tab
  • Click and drag to highlight the content you want to move
  • Click "Move"
  • Select the project name you want to move to Next up:[[How Jasper Thinks]]

Last update: November 18, 2023
Created: October 12, 2023