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Setting Up Venom for WhatsApp Translation

Automating WhatsApp messaging can be a powerful tool for customer service, personal projects, or language translation. Using Venom and Google Translate, this guide will show you how to build a script that translates incoming Spanish messages to English and replies in Spanish.

Why Use Venom?

Venom is a robust Node.js library that allows you to interact with WhatsApp Web. It’s perfect for creating bots, automating tasks, or building translation systems like the one we’ll create here.


Before diving in, ensure you have the following installed:

  1. Node.js: Install from Node.js Official Website.
  2. npm or yarn: Installed alongside Node.js.
  3. Google Translate Library: For text translation.
  4. Venom: For WhatsApp automation.

Install Required Packages

Run the following commands to install the required libraries:

npm install venom-bot translate-google crypto


Here’s how to set up and use Venom to translate WhatsApp messages:

1. Initialize the Project

Create a new file named whatsapp_translator.js and start with the following boilerplate:

const venom = require('venom-bot');
const translate = require('translate-google');
const crypto = require('crypto');

2. Set Up Your WhatsApp Contacts

Define your own WhatsApp ID (for self-messages) and the target contact:

const MY_CONTACT_ID = ''; // Your number
const TARGET_CONTACT_ID = ''; // Target contact's number

3. Implement the Translation Logic

Here’s the full script for translating messages and avoiding duplicates using a hash set:

// Hash sets to prevent duplicate message processing
const processedMessageHashes = new Set();

    session: 'my-whatsapp-session',
    multidevice: true,
  .then((client) => start(client))
  .catch((err) => console.error('Error starting Venom:', err));

function start(client) {
  console.log(`Listening for messages between yourself (${MY_CONTACT_ID}) and ${TARGET_CONTACT_ID}.`);

  const delay = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

  // Function to generate a hash for deduplication
  function generateHash(messageBody) {
    return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(messageBody).digest('hex');

  // Periodically check for new messages in the self-chat
  setInterval(async () => {
    try {
      const messages = await client.getAllMessagesInChat(MY_CONTACT_ID, true, true);
      for (const message of messages) {
        processMessage(client, message, generateHash);
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('Error retrieving self-chat messages:', err);
  }, 2000); // Check every 2 seconds

  // Handle incoming messages
  client.onMessage((message) => processMessage(client, message, generateHash));

async function processMessage(client, message, generateHash) {
  const messageHash = generateHash(message.body);

  // Skip if the message has already been processed
  if (processedMessageHashes.has(messageHash)) {

  // Mark the message as processed

  try {
    if (message.from === MY_CONTACT_ID && === MY_CONTACT_ID) {
      console.log('Message is from you (self-chat).');

      // Translate English to Spanish and send to the target contact
      const translatedToSpanish = await translate(message.body, { to: 'es' });
      console.log(`Translated (English → Spanish): ${translatedToSpanish}`);

      await client.sendText(TARGET_CONTACT_ID, translatedToSpanish);
      console.log(`Sent translated message to ${TARGET_CONTACT_ID}: ${translatedToSpanish}`);
    } else if (message.from === TARGET_CONTACT_ID && !message.isGroupMsg) {
      console.log('Message is from the target contact.');

      // Translate Spanish to English and send to the self-chat
      const translatedToEnglish = await translate(message.body, { to: 'en' });
      console.log(`Translated (Spanish → English): ${translatedToEnglish}`);

      const response = `*Translation (Spanish → English):*\nOriginal: ${message.body}\nTranslated: ${translatedToEnglish}`;
      await client.sendText(MY_CONTACT_ID, response);
      console.log(`Posted translation to yourself: ${MY_CONTACT_ID}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error processing message:', error);
    // Remove the hash if processing fails

4. Run the Script

Execute the script using Node.js:

node whatsapp_translator.js

5. What Happens?

  1. Messages you send to yourself (in English) are translated to Spanish and sent to the target contact.
  2. Messages from the target contact (in Spanish) are translated to English and sent to your self-chat.

Debugging Tips

  1. Verify Contact IDs: Ensure MY_CONTACT_ID and TARGET_CONTACT_ID are correctly defined.
  2. Check Logs: Use console.log statements to debug the flow of messages.
  3. Dependency Issues: Reinstall packages with npm install if you encounter errors.


This script automates translation for WhatsApp messages, enabling seamless communication across languages. By leveraging Venom and Google Translate, you can extend this setup to support additional languages, integrate with databases, or even build advanced customer service tools. With this foundation, the possibilities are endless!

Created 2025-01-05, Updated 2025-01-05
Authors: Harminder Singh Nijjar (2)
