Setting Up Hector SLAM with ROS 1 for a Roboclaw-Based Rover
Setting Up Hector SLAM with ROS 1 for a Roboclaw-Based Rover
This guide details the steps to configure and use Hector SLAM with a Roboclaw-based ROS 1 robot. We’ll cover LIDAR integration, transform configuration, and how to set RViz for successful mapping and navigation.
Ensure the following are set up on your system:
- ROS Installed: ROS Melodic or a compatible version is installed.
- Workspace Prepared: A catkin workspace (e.g.,
) is created, built, and sourced. - Hector SLAM Package:
- Installed and located in your workspace under
. - Ensure
are available. - LIDAR Sensor:
- Configured and publishing scan data to
. - Roboclaw Node:
- Operational, publishing odometry to
Steps to Set Up Hector SLAM
1. Launch ROS Core
Open a terminal and start the ROS core:
This is required for all other nodes to communicate.
2. Launch the LIDAR and RoboClaw Nodes
To enable LIDAR data for mapping, launch the LIDAR node in a new terminal:
roslaunch ldlidar_stl_ros ld19.launch
This ensures the LIDAR sensor is active and publishing data to the /scan
topic, which is necessary for Hector SLAM to create a map.
3. Configure and Launch Hector Mapping
In your workspace, navigate to the Hector SLAM launch folder:
cd ~/armpi_pro/src/hector_slam/hector_slam_launch/launch
Use the tutorial.launch
file as a base for running Hector SLAM. Modify the following parameters in the launch file to match your setup:
<!-- Hector Mapping Node -->
<node pkg="hector_mapping" type="hector_mapping" name="hector_mapping" output="screen">
<param name="pub_map_odom_transform" value="true"/>
<param name="map_frame" value="map"/>
<param name="base_frame" value="base_link"/>
<param name="odom_frame" value="odom"/>
<remap from="scan" to="/scan"/> <!-- Your LIDAR topic -->
<remap from="odom" to="/odom"/> <!-- Your odometry topic -->
<!-- Static Transform Publisher -->
<node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="laser_to_base_link"
args="0 0 0.2 0 0 0 base_link laser_link"/>
<!-- RViz for Visualization -->
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find hector_slam_launch)/rviz_cfg/mapping.rviz" />
Run the newly created launch file above using:
roslaunch hector_slam_launch mapping_with_odom.launch
4. Adjust RViz Configuration
To visualize the mapping process:
Start RViz:
rosrun rviz rviz
Set the Fixed Frame to
: - Navigate to
Global Options
in RViz. -
Fixed Frame
. -
Add relevant displays:
- Map: Subscribe to
for live updates. - LaserScan: Subscribe to
to visualize LIDAR data. - TF: Check the frame hierarchy and transformations.
5. Launch the Roboclaw Node
Start the Roboclaw node to handle motor control and odometry:
roslaunch roboclaw_node roboclaw.launch
This node should publish odometry data to the /odom
topic, which Hector SLAM uses.
6. Run the rover
Now that the mapping and motor control nodes are active:
- Drive the rover manually or programmatically using the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Example: Use Pygame to read an Xbox controller and RoboClaw on ROS Melodic (Python 2). No f-strings; uses .format(). Make sure: 1) roscore is running (for rospy logs). 2) SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummy is set if headless: export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummy 3) RoboClaw is on /dev/ttyACM0 (or change param). """ import sys import rospy import pygame import time # For TF in Melodic (Python 2) import tf import tf.transformations as tft # RoboClaw library (python2-compatible) from roboclaw import Roboclaw class XboxRoboclawDebugPy2(object): def __init__(self): # 1) ROS init rospy.init_node("xbox_teleop_debug_py2", anonymous=True) rospy.loginfo("Starting xbox_teleop_debug_py2 node...") # 2) RoboClaw Setup self.port_name = rospy.get_param("~port", "/dev/ttyACM0") self.baud_rate = rospy.get_param("~baud", 115200) self.address = rospy.get_param("~address", 0x80) # decimal 128 rospy.loginfo("Attempting to open RoboClaw on {0} at {1} baud, address=0x{2:X}".format( self.port_name, self.baud_rate, self.address)) self.rc = Roboclaw(self.port_name, self.baud_rate) if not self.rc.Open(): rospy.logerr("Failed to open RoboClaw on {0}. Exiting.".format(self.port_name)) sys.exit(1) rospy.loginfo("RoboClaw opened successfully on {0}.".format(self.port_name)) # 3) Initialize Pygame pygame.init() pygame.joystick.init() joystick_count = pygame.joystick.get_count() rospy.loginfo("Detected {0} joystick(s).".format(joystick_count)) if joystick_count == 0: rospy.logerr("No joystick detected. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) self.joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) self.joystick.init() rospy.loginfo("Joystick: {0}".format(self.joystick.get_name())) # 4) Speed config self.max_speed_cmd = 15.0 # if 127 is full speed, 20 is slower self.deadzone = 0.1 rospy.loginfo("max_speed_cmd={0}, deadzone={1}".format(self.max_speed_cmd, self.deadzone)) # Rate self.loop_rate = rospy.Rate(20) # 20 Hz # On shutdown => stop motors rospy.on_shutdown(self.stop_motors) rospy.loginfo("Initialization complete. Ready to run...") def stop_motors(self): rospy.loginfo("Stopping motors.") self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address, 0) self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address, 0) def run(self): loop_counter = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): loop_counter += 1 # Just for debugging rospy.logdebug("Main loop iteration={0}".format(loop_counter)) pygame.event.pump() # Example: left stick vertical = axis 1, right stick horizontal = axis 3 forward_axis = -self.joystick.get_axis(1) turn_axis = self.joystick.get_axis(3) # Debug prints rospy.logdebug("Raw axes => forward_axis={0:.2f}, turn_axis={1:.2f}".format( forward_axis, turn_axis)) # Deadzone if abs(forward_axis) < self.deadzone: forward_axis = 0.0 if abs(turn_axis) < self.deadzone: turn_axis = 0.0 # Skid-steer mixing left_val = forward_axis - turn_axis right_val = forward_axis + turn_axis # clamp [-1..+1] left_val = max(-1.0, min(1.0, left_val)) right_val = max(-1.0, min(1.0, right_val)) # Convert to RoboClaw speed left_speed, left_dir = self.convert_speed(left_val) right_speed, right_dir = self.convert_speed(right_val) rospy.logdebug("Mixed => L={0:.2f}, R={1:.2f} => speeds {2} ({3}), {4} ({5})".format( left_val, right_val, left_speed, left_dir, right_speed, right_dir)) # Send to motors if left_dir == "forward": self.rc.ForwardM1(self.address, left_speed) else: self.rc.BackwardM1(self.address, left_speed) if right_dir == "forward": self.rc.ForwardM2(self.address, right_speed) else: self.rc.BackwardM2(self.address, right_speed) self.loop_rate.sleep() self.stop_motors() pygame.quit() def convert_speed(self, val): """ Convert [-1..+1] => (0..max_speed_cmd, direction). """ if val >= 0: return (int(val * self.max_speed_cmd), "forward") else: return (int(abs(val) * self.max_speed_cmd), "backward") def main(): try: node = XboxRoboclawDebugPy2() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass finally: rospy.loginfo("Exiting python2 xbox teleop script.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
- Watch the map being built in RViz.
- Ensure the rover avoids obstacles and updates the map in real-time.
Key Adjustments Made
Here’s a summary of the adjustments we made to configure Hector SLAM:
- Set Fixed Frame in RViz to
. - Modified the Hector SLAM launch file to include:
set totrue
.- Correct frame names (
). - Verified LIDAR publishing to
. - Ensured odometry data was published to
by the Roboclaw node.
Error: Transform Lookup Failed
If you see errors like "Lookup would require extrapolation into the future," check the following:
- Ensure the system clocks are synchronized using ntp
or chrony
- Verify all topics (/scan
, /odom
) have valid and synchronized timestamps.
LIDAR Not Publishing
rostopic echo /scan
By following these steps, you’ve successfully set up Hector SLAM on a Roboclaw-based ROS 1 rover. With LIDAR and odometry data, your rover can build a 2D map of its environment, enabling autonomous navigation and enhanced spatial awareness.
Feel free to experiment with SLAM parameters and refine your rover’s capabilities for your specific use case.